Meat & Shochu Tourism Participating Establishments

Meat & Shochu Tourism Participating Establishments

A large number of excellent restaurants and bars in Miyakonojo
—the home of meat and shochu
Find your ultimate Miyakonojo experience from this great list
of places in the home of meat and shochu.
*See the map on the left when selecting the area.

Show 1 to 20 out of 24.

Carte Blanche

A couple-owned restaurant offering a relaxing dining experience.

Miyakonojo Yakinikuto

Offering single-sourced heifer Miyazaki Beef

Karamen-ya Akashi

Karamen—An exquisite combination of ramen noodles with a super spicy sauce, loved by generations of fans

Jirajira Nangokke

A fresh, whole locally-raised chicken from Miyakonojo served on a single plate


Relax and enjoy a meticulously prepared evening meal


An izakaya-style restaurant of around 30 years standing, serving the local favorite Basil Nabe

Hotel Nakayama-so

The signature restaurant in a hotel established in 1952

Trattoria Fiore

Traditional and original Italian dishes

Trattoria Sakamoto

An Italian restaurant featuring fresh, locally grown ingredients

Wine Bar Claret

Homemade three-month-cured prosciutto, made from Miyakonojo Pork and special salt

Curry Club Ruu

A Miyakonojo curry restaurant chain, mainly featuring the impressive local specialty Chicken Namban Curry


The local soul food, Rairai-men, long cherished by people in the area

Pheasant Restaurant Kijiya

Collagen-rich charcoal-grilled pheasant

Sengoku Yakitori Yottaya Main Branch

Huge choice of yakitori at a local’s favorite


A restaurant that mainly offers dishes that feature chicken thigh meat. Faithfully supported by fans from both inside and outside the prefecture

Wagokoro Asakura

A Japanese restaurant run by an owner, trained in a prestigious Edomae Sushi restaurant

Aburiya Katsumi

Serving up fine food since 1983

Charcoal Grill Isokawa

Enhancing the taste of ingredients with simple seasoning, such as rock salt and salt koji

Miyakonjo Village

Almost everything locally sourced in Miyakonojo, from meat to vegetables and drinks


This restaurant, established around 30 years ago, offers oden simmered in a broth that is frequently added and fortified for maximum taste.


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